Sunday 9 February 2020

kepada si pondan bin si polan


sedang Dia mempamer dunia sedang tenat,
sedang Dia memberi amaran lepas satu amaran
sedang Dia masih mengizin hambaNya untuk bertaubat,

si pondan bin si polan
dengan bodoh sombongnya mempamer kebodohan
dengan bodoh mengharap penontonnya percaya dia adalah wanita

wahai si pondan bin si polan,

adakah tidur malammu tenang?
adakah kau yakin adanya esok untukmu?

hidup jangan terlalu mendongak
selagi masih berbaki nyawamu dibadan,
fitrah mu masih di situ...

Thursday 31 October 2019

A year to be embraced

Alhamdulillah, today is the final day for me as a part time teacher at a school.
i decided to resign as i need to finish my study within next 2 months (InsyaAllah)
terfikir plak,
2017, i resigned because i wanted to pursue my study
2019, i resigned because i wanted to finish up my study...

sedih le jugak.. sbb students semua baik2..
besides, i love teaching..

tp xpa la, insyaAllah, next year... new school?

btw, my principal offered me a position in his new college,
Alhamdulillah.. doa sy mengiringi usaha Pak Aji utk wujudkan kolej tu.. Aamiin

i left my students with a heavy heart..
yg paling sedih bila 1 of my students said

"teacher tau x, dlm hidup sy, 2 kali je sy rasa sy faham belajar English, darjah 6 sekali, form 3 sekali"

naakkkk nangessss tau x, bila dia ckp camtu..

aku tau le, xda la sempurna cara mengajar ku,
ada la jgk time2 that i hv no idea nak deliver mcm mana..
tambah plak, assignments xmenang tangan..
tp bila ada students yg ckp mcm tu,
i feel relieved.

#catatan seorang non-specialist English teacher..

time to focus and GOT!!!!!!! Aamiinn

peace be upon u..
my students..

Tuesday 4 December 2018

tq jkm

yes, tq jkm for not answering my 15-time calls.

may Allah bless

sometimes, people/human that own heart and soul ni la yg menyusahkan sesama manusia...

Monday 15 October 2018



When i am feeling down,
He sent me this pict for me to smile..

It is hurting,
But i want to smile...

It is frustrating,
But i want to take it easy

As life doesn't end there...

Let's pray for another better & bigger chance



Sunday 30 September 2018

Kejutan dari Dia



I was wondering

"Am i doing da right thing?" before this.

What happened was...

Allah sent me 2 beautiful souls right before i start another journey while studying.

They motivated me indirectly from our conversations..
They injected me with positive vibes...
They talked to me the way i wanted to be heard...
They are truly the beautiful souls..

Allah sent them to me...
Although i'm the ugliest soul,
He never neglected me...

I was accepted to be part of an organization that you will never dismiss..
A platform for me to use the knowledge in uni to industry... Alhamdulillah..

Thank You...

P/s: be grateful, you never know what you got till it's gone....

Kakak2, thank you

Wednesday 5 September 2018

2018 1st post


Xtau nak mula dr mana.

Alhamdulillah, Allah bg ruang, peluang, kesempatan, keupayaan, kekuatan, kemudahan utk aku sambung belajar. ALHAMDULILLAH

Dah lama berkeinginan,
Dah lama berangan,
Dah lama simpan,
Niat utk pursue my study.
Although dah tua, tp keinginan utk blaja still ada.

To be honest,
Dah 3 hr aku masuk class..
Lama dah xpegi kelas,

Semua ada..

1st day, 1st class,
Terpandang ceiling class,
I was questioning myself,

Betol ka semua ni..
Am i doing da right thing
Am i gonna be okay?

Aku belajar kerana Mu..

Peace be upon you

Wednesday 13 September 2017

even the word "cry" makes me cry


i was wondering for couple of days
when i watch someone is crying, definitely i'm gonna cry too
tp sbenanya, lama dah benda ni, n this is normal to many of us.

tapiiiii it becomes worse!
when i read "CRY"
my tears... (OMG)!

writing this post is burdensome

am i that broken? inside?

hating love song,
hating love story,
hating sad song.
hating sad story.

peace be upon u.

nak tulis apa yg jd kat court hari ni sbenanya,

cukuplah sekadar dengan ayat ni...
"binatang pon boleh bercakap eh?"
"dah diizinkan bercakap, pandai plak menipu"
have a nice day in hell man!